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Cancer Test in India Online
Breast Cancer test
Sayre offers a range of Breast Cancer Tests that are accurate and reliable. Early diagnosis and treatment improves the outcome in some cancer patients. Consult your physician to make an informed decision about the right tests.
TMB & MSI testing
Tumor Mutation Burden (TMB) & Microsatellite Stability Status (MSI) biomarker tests used to assess the effectiveness of the immunotherapy treatment in cancer patients.
PARPi CDX India, Lung cancer test, Colorectal cancer test, Somatic tests in India
Sayre therapeutics is establishing itself as a reliable diagnostic company in India with its constant endeavor to bring home novel diagnostics so far unavailable in India. For example, the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Tests for molecular diagnosis of cancers from leading companies such as BGI , Novogene, and Color to name a few. Sayre offers an array of molecular diagnostic tests including PARPi CDX test, lung cancer test, colorectal cancer test and somatic panel tests in India.
Saliva (OR) Saliva based BRCA testing
BRCA gene mutations predisposes people at higher risk of getting breast cancer. Saliva-based BRCA test is a convenient and non-invasive method of testing the presence of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genetic mutations from the DNA samples isolated from a person’s saliva. Sayre offers cost-effective and reliable saliva based BRCA testing.
COLOR Hereditary Panel
- A simple non-invasive, cost-effective and reliable test to know your risk of hereditary Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Colorectal, Melanoma, Pancreatic Cancer, Stomach Cancer and Prostate Cancer. The test is unique and can be performed with only 1 ml of patients’ saliva.
Screen your family members to know their risk before it is too late.
BGI 688 Gene Panel
One stop shop to all the questions on cancer treatment.
- Which chemotherapy will work in this patient?
- Which immunotherapy will work?
- Is my family at risk of breast cancer/ ovarian or solid organ cancer (prostate cancer, stomach cancer, bone cancer, liver cancer)?
BGI 688 gene panel analyses most of the common genetic disorders through DNA testing.
PARPi CDx Panel
Diagnosis of breast cancer is not the end of the world. There are many tests, such as PARP Inhibitor Therapy test which can increase your survival chances.
To know, if you are available for this Breast Cancer Treatment consult your doctor to know if you are eligible for PARP inhibitor therapy.
BRCA 1 and 2
- Ever wondered, if your family members are at risk of developing breast cancer or ovarian cancer?
- What are the risk factors?
- Are there any hereditary genetic testing for breast cancer?
- Is this cancer screening test done in India?
To know the answers, consult your physician to know if you are eligible for hereditary cancer screening test.
Hereditary Breast or Ovarian Cancer Panel
- Approximately 10% of breast or ovarian cancers are inherited by children from their parents.
- Want to know your risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer?
- Do you need reliable results?
Ensuring more than a decade of precision diagnostics outreach to patients worldwide, our partner CENTOGENE ‘s hereditary cancer testing panels are well respected in the industry. Choose this test to know your risk of breast or ovarian cancers among close relatives.
Comprehensive 80 Gene Hereditary Panel
- Inherited cancers make up 10% of all the cancer cases!
Do you have history of Breast cancer, Ovarian cancer, Prostate cancer, Endocrine Cancer, Stomach cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Nervous System Cancer, Renal Cancer, Skin - Cancer/Melanoma, Lynch Syndrome in your family?
International guidelines recommend assessing your risk, diagnosing the problem and starting treatment early! The comprehensive panel running on the latest cutting edge next generation sequencing technology covers 80+ commonly occurring genes that is responsible for hereditary cancers
170 Gene Comprehensive Panel
- A guide to choose the optimal cancer treatment for common malignancies such as prostate cancer, stomach cancer, bone cancer or liver cancer. This test relies on DNA testing to understand the genetic mutations that may guide the right treatment. It not only covers the above-mentioned cancers but also others such as brain cancer, gall bladder cancer, head-and-neck cancer and many more.
50 Gene Hotspot Panel
- A cost-effective DNA testing to know the commonly occurring genetic mutations, which will help in choosing the right cancer treatment. Helps in early diagnosis of solid tumors such as Brain, Breast, Cervix, Colon, Esophagus, Lung, Pancreas, Prostrate, Stomach and Uterus.
Comprehensive Myeloid Panel
Did you know there are large number of genetic mutations responsible for blood cancers such as
- Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
- Myeloid Dysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
- Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN)
- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
- Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
- Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)
Not all cancers respond to a particular chemotherapy and it is important to know which chemotherapy works best for your cancer. The myeloid DNA testing panel covers 50 relevant genes that will be responsible for diagnosing blood cancer types/sub type
Lung Cancer Panel
Lung cancer is a common cancer in the Indian population. Chemotherapy and target therapy are designed to increase survival rate and improve outcome in individual sufferers. The success of the therapy is dependent on the detection of the genetic mutation in the individual. Know the therapy which works best for your cancer.
Colorectal Cancer Panel
Colon cancer is known to affect quality of life. A molecular laboratory test can determine the type of genetic make up of a cancer and this increase your survival chances. Among the many drugs that are available for colon cancer, immunotherapy shows immense promise. Ask your doctor if you are eligible for immunotherapy.
PCR Panel
Did you know that not all blood cancers are the same. The type of blood cancer that responds best to available therapy is dependent on genetic mutations in the individual. Act fast and know the genetic mutation you harbor to get the maximum benefit form therapy