Hereditary Cancer Diagnostic Panel

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Assess the risk for BRCA 1 & 2 and other common hereditary cancers with this comprehensive hereditary diagnostic panel

Color Genomics Hereditary Panel India

Inherited genetic mutations account for 10 – 15% of the most common cancers. Color brings Genomics Hereditary Diagnostic Panel in India which is a cost-effective and efficient test to diagnose 8 common types of hereditary cancers.

col-circle Next Generation Sequencing Platform

col-circle Reconfirmation by MLPA , Sanger’s & aCGH

col-circle Samples collected in FDA approved collection kits

CAP Accredited
Color - Sayre therapeutics

Validation Samples

False Positives & Negatives


-Accuracy - Sensitivitity -Specificity -Positive Predictive Value

For more information on Color’s Hereditary Cancer Test :

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Contact us at: +91 9591736262 or

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