How the world will change post coronavirus: A view

As the world continues to struggle in the shackles of the Covid-19 pandemic, countries continue to look for ways to emerge out of ‘the great pause’. However, it is far from clear, how long will it affect us. The world is upside down since the past six months and has already been facing severe damages- tangible and intangible, due to the lockdowns far and near. Consequently, countries around the world are gradually reopening while continuing to combat the virus. Which brings us to the question, ‘How will the world change post Coronavirus?’

The past six months have been testing times for the world, but to find the silver lining, it has also been a learning to deal with crises. The pandemic has undeniably changed how we live. Today, as we await a cure for the virus, we need to learn to adapt and overcome. We cannot be cooped up into the confines of our homes indefinitely. As the countries seek to reopen, we are already witnessing major all-round changes in the worldly affairs, the national administrations and changes brought down to as personal as the human behaviour.’

The pandemic will change the dynamics of the world in these positive ways:

  • Health and Hygiene will become a priority: This pandemic was a major wake-up call for our inability to deal with an unforeseen health emergencies. Hopefully, this will lead to a more conscious and informed population who take their health seriously. Isolation and being socially aloof is one of the major causative factors for diseases like depression and anxiety. Therefore, Mental Health which was on the backfoot, until recently, has now garnered the attention it needs. This will also encourage the countries to undertake more stringent initiatives for safeguarding overall health of their population.
  • The world is heading towards a virtual revolution: Thanks to Information Technology we are able to continue with our daily work, near normally. Not only has this compelled us to be productive from our homes but also to meet-greet our friends and continue our social interactions without major hindrance. Education and learning have begun via online media. More and more organisations are now leaning on continuing WFH even after the lockdowns to maintain distancing. Virtual interactions have also cut costs of infrastructure and has downscaled unnecessary commute. The society is realising the importance of technology and is adapting to it. Although the world was already heading to a virtual revolution, the pandemic has only accelerated its pace.
  • Industries are looking for advanced options: Although the crisis has poorly impacted the industrial world, some industries saw it as a blessing in disguise. Industries are looking to streamline their existing processes by eliminating unnecessary systems to make them more optimised. Many companies are trying to become self- reliant. Countries are undertaking steps towards independency, striving to reduce imports. Considering, the pharmaceutical industry, many European companies are looking to set-up their own API manufacturing plants with a view to improve the supply chain in Europe and reduce their dependence on Asian markets. As it is rightly said, necessity is the mother of invention, which seems to be the mantra of quite a few industries around the world right now.
  • Environmentalist movements will gather momentum: With the maximum population working from home since the lockdown commenced, we have already seen the effects on the environment without man-made complications. A good example is purification of the river Ganga. As pollution levels have minimised, it is the right time to hit the iron and continue to act responsibly to prevent any further environmental damage. People have become aware of the climate change movements and hopefully, this will only push them more. We do not want another natural calamity coming our way.
  • Human behaviour is changing: People are growing to be empathetic. Harmony in the society is improving. The workplaces will embrace workforce diversity. Now that the people are able to work from home, organisations might be willing to welcome people from various challenges, be it physical or mental. With minimum resources available, people are resorting to a minimalistic lifestyle. This will also change the consumer behaviour in due course.

It won’t be erroneous to say Covid-19 has given rise to a new world, albeit many concerns to deal with, only time will tell how will we rise up to these challenges and evolve for better.


